Struggling With the Return to School? Try Music.

Feeling a little stressed with the return to school, TAFE, or university? Anxious, maybe? Maybe your friendships have changed, the routine adjustment is a lot or you’re just not a school person.

Why am I stressed in the first place?

Our bodies respond to stressful situations by releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. In dangerous situations these trigger a fight or flight response in your nervous system and make you hyperalert to help you stay alive.

But for some people, going back to school, managing social or learning challenges, or dealing with teachers, makes the body release those stress hormones as if it is a danger to you. Your body releases excess cortisol and it not only makes you feel anxious mentally, but can also lead to physical problems and make you feel unwell.

There’s lots you can do to help you through, but have you ever tried music? Music is a free, accessible and pretty cool way to help keep stress and anxiety in check.

Did you know that music has a positive effect on your nervous system by lowering cortisol levels and releasing dopamine and serotonin? These are the chemicals in your brain that help control memory, mood, sleep, learning, and concentration.

Here's some tricks & tips you can carry up your sleeve and take with you on your journey:

1) Listen to music that grounds & distracts you.

You can get caught up in the past and feel down, or you can get fearful of what’s to come and experience a bit of anxiety. Neither feel good. Chuck on some music that helps you escape & gives you a bit of a break – move your head on the bus, singing while you’re getting ready or have a dance before school and you’ll feel like you’ve gained some control back by grounding yourself in the present.

Here's a few playlists you could try, or create your own!

2) Release some emotion by writing some lyrics.

You know that build-up of stress and emotion that tends to end in some sort of blow-up or tears? That often happens because your stress levels have been running high for some time and haven’t had a positive release. Like shaking up a bottle then slowly letting bits of air out at a time so it doesn’t explode, try releasing some emotion through lyrics. Your mind and body will thank you!

Here are some beats you can write what you’re feeling to.

3) Get creating & reset your nervous system.

When you’re stressed, your nervous system shifts out of create mode and goes into that fight or flight mode to help you survive whatever threat you’re feeling. Try creating some music on Garage Band on your phone, pick up your instrument or make a new melody in the shower – it’ll help you reset your nervous system and go back to a ‘rest and digest’ mode that’ll help you tackle the day. You’ll feel more relaxed, clear on what you can do & make you more creative in addressing challenges.

Get creating, it doesn’t need to be a masterpiece!

4) Connect with like-minded people through music.

Sometimes being in social environments is where we feel most alone. Heading to a concert, joining in a song with others (like in the car on the way to school), or sharing & creating music with others can help make you feel connected to others, and when we feel connected, we feel happier.

Check out our free group creative programs, connect with a creative mentor or express interest in an online music-based catch up with like-minded peeps.

If something else is going on for you, you can reach out for a little help to get through. Book in a free online chat with one of our youth workers, grab yourself some free essentials to get you by, and get emergency help if you’re in a serious crisis. You’re not alone.


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